Does Green Tea Help Beard Growth?

Does Green Tea help Beard Growth?

Green tea is coupled with a lot of benefits, there are tons of anecdotal evidence that it has helped people grow their hair back. I was wondering whether it can work for facial hair growth so I did some research. Here is what I found out about green tea helping beard growth.

So, does green tea help beard growth? No, green tea does not help with the growth of facial hair. On the contrary, green tea is classified as anti-androgenic. Given that beards are androgenic hair, green tea will not help you grow a beard. When orally consumed green tea reduces the level of testosterone a hormone that is associated with the growth of the beard.

How does green tea hinder beard growth?

The growth of the beard is stimulated by testosterone and its more potent form dihydrotestosterone. Testosterone primes hair follicles and DHT promotes linear growth of facial hair.

Therefore, it goes without saying that any product that hinders beard production or activity of testosterone and DHT hinders beard growth.

Back to our question on how green tea hinders beard growth. Based on this studyOpens in a new tab., conducted on rats, it was discovered that polyphenols a component of green tea reduce the production of testosterone in the rat’s Leydig cells.

How is this related to beard you may ask? Well, the body metabolism of the rats and human beings is very similar.

Consuming green tea will result in reduced testosterone levels in the body which will consequently affect your beard growth negatively.

Can green tea help hair regrowth?

Yes, green tea can help manage androgenic alopecia or baldness caused by androgens. While testosterone promotes and stimulates the growth of facial hair, it does the opposite on the hair in your scalp.

It causes miniaturization of hair follicles which results in thinning of your hair and finally your hair stops growing in your head.

Drinking green tea will lower the levels of testosterone in your body and reduce its effect on your hair.

Bottom line

Can green tea help grow a beard? No, green tea cannot help you grow a beard. It will reduce your testosterone levels in the body and negatively impact your beard growth. However, products like Rogaine or minoxidil have been proven to help grow a beard even among men who are struggling to grow a beard.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I apply green tea to my beard? I would not recommend applying green tea to your beard given it is an anti-androgenic product. Green tea will affect your androgenic beard and hair negatively.

Does green tea reduce facial hair? While taking green tea alone will not help you reduce facial hair. Combined with other products such as finasteride and other testosterone and DHT blockers green tea will help you reduce facial hair.  

Does green tea increase facial hair? No, green tea does not increase facial hair. On the contrary, green tea reduces facial hair by inhibiting the production of testosterone a hormone that stimulates and promotes the growth of facial hair.

Does drinking green tea make hair grow? While green tea has been proven to inhibit the production of testosterone in the body, a hormone that causes androgenic alopecia. Drinking green tea alone will not help you regrow your lost hair. But when combined with other products such as finasteride, rogaine, green tea may help you grow your lost hair.


Hi, I'm Ben! When I embarked on my beard-growing journey, I had lots of questions. Now having successfully grown a beard, I launched this blog to share the answers I discovered through extensive research. Alongside beard tips, I also offer insights on maintaining and growing dreadlocks, as well as general advice on looking your best. I'm all about helping others look and feel great!

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