Is Peppermint Oil Good for Locs? [5 Benefits]

peppermint oil for locs

When peppermint oil was compared with minoxidil in terms of stimulating hair growth, peppermint oil performed better than minoxidil. This post teaches you how to use peppermint oil to grow out your locks.

But is peppermint oil good for your locks? Yes, applying peppermint oil on your dreadlocks and scalp will moisturize your dreads, prevent and treat dandruff, split ends, and leave you smelling nice. Peppermint oil will also improve blood circulation in your scalp hence promote the growth of your dreadlocks.

Benefits of peppermint oil for dreadlocks

Promotes growth

If you have dreadlocks or happens to be a natural hair enthusiast, growing or increasing the length of your hair is one of the goals on your to-do list.

Dreadlocks and naturalists have one thing in common they all want to keep off from product that has chemicals.

One of the best alternatives is natural organic oils, but knowing the right essential oil to use on your hair can be a daunting task given that there are tons of essential oils available in the market.

Given that there are different types of hair, not all always essential oils are good for all hair types.

However, peppermint essential oil is one of the best hair growth oil available and unless you have an allergy to the oil, it will not cause you any harm.

Peppermint oil has even been scientifically proven to stimulate hair growth even better than minoxidil. A drug that has even been approved by the FDA for hair regrowth.

Below is scientific evidence that peppermint oil can help with dreadlock growth.

Based on research published at Toxicological Research, Peppermint Essential oil was compared with saline water, jojoba oil, and minoxidil on its ability to stimulate hair growth.

At the end of the research that lasted for 4 weeks, the research group that used peppermint essential oil had more hair gains than all the other study groups.

This includes even the study group that used minoxidil a drug that has been approved by the FDA as a safe hair regrowth drug.

This research was conducted on rats, not humans, however, there are tons of anecdotal evidence of naturalists who have used peppermint oil to grow their hair.

How does peppermint essential oil work for hair growth?

Peppermint essential oil has an ingredient called mentho, when applied on the skin, mentho acts as a vasodilator.

This simply means that peppermint essential oil will improve blood circulation in your scalp, improved blood circulation means that your hair is getting enough nutrients for growth.

Therefore applying peppermint oil to your dreadlocks will improve blood circulation in your scalp and promote dreadlocks growth.

Peppermint oil may even help with some form of hair loss. One of the hair loss that it can help with is androgenic alopecia.

Androgenic alopecia is caused by an androgen called DHT, DHT starves your hair follicle’s blood supply hence denying it much-needed nutrients for growth.

Applying peppermint essential oil will help reverse these effects and promote hair growth reducing your dreadlocks loss due to DHT.


When applied to your dreadlocks peppermint essential oil will keep your dreadlocks moisturized especially when mixed with avocado oil and coconut oil.

Moisturizing your hair and scalp is very important to promote healthy locks and prevent problems such as dandruff and itchiness.

Add peppermint oil into your daily dreads moisturizer and reap the benefits of nice smelling and well-moisturized locks.

If you suffer from a dry scalp that results in itchiness at night, using peppermint oil with almond or olive oil will help solve this problem.

Control and prevent dandruff

Dandruff can be a nuisance for anyone naturalist or not. The good news is using peppermint essential oil on your dreads will not only promote growth but keep it moisturized it will also help you fight dandruff.

Add scent

Peppermint oil has a good mood-elevating scent that will keep your dreads smelling nice and fresh all day long. Using both peppermint essential oil and rosewater on your locks will keep your dreads moisturized, and nice smelling all day long.

Fight hair lice

While not very common among people who keep their hair clean. One may get head lice from another person or from a contaminated surface or piece of cloth.

In this case, if you have been using peppermint oil or tea tree oil the hair lice problem will be dealt with even before it starts.

However, in case you have not been using these two oils and you have to be in the market for a natural organic cure for head hair lice. Then peppermint essential oil is your best bet.

Castor oil and peppermint oil for dreads

You can mix peppermint oil and castor oil plus another carrier oil such as emu oil that has been proven to penetrate hair follicles and carry these oils into the hair follicles.

Castor oil to have been proven to stimulate hair growth, mixing both castor oil and peppermint oil will promote your dreads growth and health.

How to use peppermint oil for dreads

Do a patch test

Before using any oil, the first step should be to test if you are allergic to that oil. Perform a patch test by applying some diluted peppermint oil at the back of your ear overnight.

In case there is a side effect such as inflammation, you should not use peppermint oil on your scalp. If everything is fine the next day follow these steps.

How to use peppermint essential oil on dreads

Mix 3 % peppermint essential oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, jojoba, or argan oil.

Apply the mixture to your dreads and massage it properly, when mixed with another essential oil such as castor oil, which has also been proven to have hair growth stimulating benefits the two can help you achieve your dreadlock dream length.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you sleep with peppermint oil in your hair? You can apply peppermint oil to your scalp and leave it overnight, just make sure to dilute it with another carrier oil. So yes you can sleep with peppermint oil in your hair.

Can I mix peppermint oil with water for hair? To make it easy to apply peppermint oil to your hair, you can mix it with water, conditioner, or shampoo. You can also mix it with water that you use to was your dreads with.

Wrap up

If you are looking for a natural organic oil for promoting your dreadlock growth, moisturizing, and fighting dandruff then peppermint essential should be at the top of your list. Just make sure to perform a patch test to find out whether you are allergic to the oil.

Never apply undiluted peppermint essential oil it will cause burns on your skin.


Hi, I'm Ben! When I embarked on my beard-growing journey, I had lots of questions. Now having successfully grown a beard, I launched this blog to share the answers I discovered through extensive research. Alongside beard tips, I also offer insights on maintaining and growing dreadlocks, as well as general advice on looking your best. I'm all about helping others look and feel great!

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