4 Proven Tips on How to Stimulate Beard Growth

How to Stimulate Beard Growth

Below is a complete guide of four scientifically proven tips on how to stimulate beard growth.

So, how can you stimulate facial hair growth? You can stimulate beard growth by increasing testosterone levels in the body, stimulate the sensitivity of your androgen receptors, stimulate and improve blood circulation in the face area, use Rogaine or minoxidil if the above does not stimulate your beard growth

When looking to grow a beard the first step is to realize that the growth of facial hair is founded on the following factors.

Levels of testosterone in your body will dictate the levels of dihydrotestosterone. If your levels of testosterone in the body are not clinically low, increasing testosterone levels in the body will not make a difference.

Genetic factors, how sensitive are your androgen receptors to the above hormones.

Finally, the circulation of blood in your facial area delivers these hormones, vitamins, and proteins among other nourishments.

What stimulates beard growth?

Beard growth is stimulated by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, plus the sensitivity of your androgen receptors to these two hormones.

Your main goal should be to either increase testosterone and DHT or increase the sensitivity of your androgen receptors.

How to stimulate beard growth naturally at home

Increase the levels of testosterone in your body

One of the factors that stimulate the growth of facial hair is both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone which we will be referring to as DHT.

Most men have the same levels of testosterone, what makes the difference is that most men have different sensitivity to these hormones.

Testosterones primes facial hair follicles and DHT promotes linear growth of your beard.  

You must have come across several products claiming that they will increase the rate at which your beard grows.

Let me set the record straight here, Facial hair grows at a rate of half an inch per month. That just how it is.

You cannot increase on lower that rate so patience is key towards the growth of beard.

There are several methods that one can use to stimulate the levels of testosterone in the body. Both natural and artificial.

I would caution using artificial means to boost your levels of testosterone, according to this journalOpens in a new tab., when you start using artificial testosterone the body stops producing the natural testosterone in the body.

As a result, this could have detrimental effects on the body especially when one stops using artificial testosterone.

Therefore, I highly recommend using natural testosterone boosters such as food and exercise.

In this article, we covered natural ways on how you can increase the levels of testosterone in the body.

Most of these natural sources of boosting testosterone are found in the foods that we eat. Hitting the gym and doing resistance training has also been proven to increase the levels of testosterone among young people as revealed in this studyOpens in a new tab..

Based on this journalOpens in a new tab., testosterone increases the growth phase of facial hair called anaphase. Testosterone also promotes growth rate, thickness, and pigmentation

So if you want to increase the pigmentation of your beard, you should boost the levels of testosterone in your body.

Stimulate and improve the sensitivity of your androgen receptors in the beard area

Now that you have naturally improved the levels of testosterone. Sometimes you might not even need to increase your levels of testosterone.

The next step should be to stimulate or improve the sensitivity of the androgen receptors in your cheeks, chin, or upper lip.

One studyOpens in a new tab. conducted on rats found that shocking them with electricity increased the sensitivity of their androgens.

But hey, who wants to shock themselves with electricity. Below are tips to boost the sensitivity of your androgens naturally.

Resistance training

Resistance training has been proven to increase the sensitivity of your androgen receptors based on this study.

So, it would be a great idea to hit the gym regularly and do resistance training to stimulate the sensitivity of your androgen receptors.

Intermittent fasting for beard growth

Intermittent fasting means eating during an 8-hour window and fasting for 16 hours. StudyOpens in a new tab. shows that it increases the sensitivity of your androgen receptors.

This means that intermittent fasting can help with beard growth when combined with other factors discussed in this article.

L- Carnitine

Based on this studyOpens in a new tab., carnitine can increase the sensitivity of your androgen receptors.

Based on the study, taking 2g of carnitine supplement for a period of three weeks has been proven to boost the levels of androgen receptors’ sensitivity hence boosting beard growth in the process.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been reclassified as a steroid hormone and a vitamin.

Study shows that vitamin D has got its own receptors, which study also shows are usually closely located near androgen receptors.

Decreased levels of vitamin D have been shown to decrease the effect of testosterone on the androgen receptors.

Therefore, it is recommended to increase the uptake of vitamin D if you are looking to boost the sensitivity of your androgen receptors.

If you are also looking to build muscles fast this will also be a wise choice. 

Stimulate and improve blood circulation in the face area

After increasing the levels of testosterone and stimulating or improving the sensitivity of your androgen receptors.

The next step towards stimulation of your facial hair growth is making sure that the androgen receptors actually get these hormones.

Facial massage has been proven to increase the level of blood circulating to the area massaged by this mini case study.

A good high-quality derma roller should help you stimulate and improve blood flow to your cheeks, chin and upper lip.

It is recommended to use a beard roller or derma roller that has a needle length of 0.25mm.

Use Rogaine or minoxidil if the above does not stimulate your beard growth

If after using these methods you have not been able to grow a beard or your beard grows but appears patchy.

You can use Rogaine which is the only product in the market that has been approved by the FDA to treat hair loss.

The topical application of Rogaine especially after using a derma roller has been proven to grow a beard even for men who cannot grow a beard.

Most men of Asian origin cannot grow a beard naturally.

But there are before and after anecdotal images showing that there are some who have been able to grow a beard after using Minoxidil.

Combined with a good derma roller, should be able to grow you a beard or help you fill in a patchy beard.

Recap on how to stimulate beard growth

  1. increase the levels of testosterone in the body
  2. stimulate the sensitivity of your androgen receptors
  3. stimulate and improve blood circulation in the face area
  4. use Rogaine or minoxidil if the above does not stimulate your beard growth

Frequently Asked Questions

Does shaving stimulate facial hair growth? No, shaving does not stimulate the growth of facial hair. The growth of facial hair is stimulated by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

How can I speed up beard growth? The growth of beard is at the rate of half an inch per month and there is no way you can increase that speed of growth.

How can I grow a beard out of nothing? You can grow a beard out of nothing by using minoxidil or Rogaine.


Hi, I'm Ben! When I embarked on my beard-growing journey, I had lots of questions. Now having successfully grown a beard, I launched this blog to share the answers I discovered through extensive research. Alongside beard tips, I also offer insights on maintaining and growing dreadlocks, as well as general advice on looking your best. I'm all about helping others look and feel great!

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