How to Get Rid of Female Beard Permanently

How to get rid of female beard permanently?

In this post, we will cover how to get rid of a female beard permanently.

Due to some genetic or hormonal reasons, a woman may grow a beard, and most definitely like a woman, you would want to get rid of the beard.

But the main question is, how do you get rid of the woman’s facial hair permanently?

There are two methods that women can use to get rid of the beard these are laser hair reduction (semi-permanent) and electrolysis (permanent) most suitable methods of getting rid of the beard in women permanently and the only one approved by the Food and Drug Administration agency (FDA) in the states for permanent hair removal.

Now let us look at these semi-permanent and permanent women beard removal methods in-depth.

Laser hair removal for women beard (semi-permanent)

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways to get rid of beards in women and also doubles as one of the most practiced cosmetic procedures in the United States.

However, these methods work only if there is a contrast between the skin and the beard hair color.

This means that for this method to work, you need to have a light skin tone and a dark beard.  

You also need to understand the internal cause of the chin hair as using the laser method without understanding the root cause of your woman’s beard may make the situation worse.

The methods work by beaming a high light intensity into the follicles of your bead.

Given the fact that your beard is darker compared to your skin due to pigment, the light is absorbed by the beard follicles and bulb, which ends up being destroyed when the light converts to heat.

The laser beam produces a sharp pain that varies depending on the thickness of the skin more painful on the nose and chin area. Your physician can make it a bit comfortable by using a laser with a cooling mechanism.

Benefits of laser hair removal for removing women beard include


Due to the fact that lasers are targeted on one particular area, the laser light acts on the dark, coarse hair without damaging the skin around the beard area.


The laser is targeted on one particular area and takes about a fraction of a second within which it treats several hairs. The speed and effectiveness of this method make it one of the best choices.


Well given the effectiveness of the laser hair removal method, it is easy to predict how long it will take to effectively get rid of the beard. Women undergoing this procedure have had success after 8 to 12 sessions.

With each session, the thickness and density of the beard decrease. However, over time the beard may grow back though not as intense as it was before the procedure.

How to prepare for laser hair/beard removal

Just like most medical procedures laser hair removal has potential risks especially if performed by an unqualified medical physician.

It is therefore highly advisable that if you wish to get rid of your woman beard you should do thorough research to verify the credibility of your medical physician performing this procedure. 

Additionally, prior to undergoing laser hair removal treatment, it is advisable to limit, waxing, electrolysis, and tweezing for a period of about six weeks.

This is due to the fact that during treatment the laser beam focuses on the hair follicles which waxing or tweezing removes temporarily.

It is also advisable to avoid exposure to the sun for about six weeks prior to treatment and after treatment.

Sun exposure affects the effectiveness of the laser method and could cause complications after treatment.

Laser hair removal procedures

  • Prior to the treatment procedure, your beard will be shaved to reduce its size but not completely shaved.
  • Then the physician adjusts the laser beam equipment based on the thickness and color of your beard.
  • Both the technician and the patient will wear the right eye protective gear due to the laser light which is dependent on the laser equipment. The outer layer of the skin which will not be under the laser needs to be covered with gel to aid in cooling. This also aids in the penetration of the laser light.
  • Then the physician directs the area under treatment some pulse of laser light and observes it to ensure that the laser equipment was calibrated correctly.
  • Lastly, after the treatment is over, the physician may give you anti-inflammatory lotions or creams to take care of any discomforts. The next treatment is usually scheduled in four or six weeks apart. The treatment procedure continues until all the beard stops growing.

Recovery and risks involved during laser hair removal

A day or so after treatment, the skin area under the laser beam may look or feel as if it is sunburned.

In this case, moisturizers come in handy. It is advisable to wear sunscreen over the next month as the hair in the treated area will fall out and may cause temporary color changes between the treated and the untreated skin areas.

Women with darker complexions may experience blisters though they are uncommon.

Redness, scarring, and swelling are some of the other side effects that you may experience. Scarring and skin color changing permanently are rare side effects. 

Laser hair removal cost

Well, it goes without saying that this procedure is definitely expensive. The cost is highly dependent on the following factors.

  • Time and the overall skin size being treated
  • The overall number of treatment for effective hair removal
  • Whether qualified personnel will be involved
  • And lastly, the country where the hair removal procedure takes place.

It is advisable to request a consultation so as to have an idea of the cost involved for the whole beard removal procedure.

Electrolysis hair removal method (permanent)

The next method that women can use to get rid of the beard permanently is electrolysis. The FDA has approved electrolysis as the only method that can be used to remove hair permanently.

During electrolysis, the growth of the hair is prevented rather than being temporarily removed. Through electrolysis, there is hair elimination and removal.

If you have been wondering how you can remove facial hair or beard permanently without the use of a laser then electrolysis is the best option for you.

There are three types of electrolysis namely:

Galvanic involves the production of a current that results in a chemical reaction.

The second electrolysis method is thermolysis which functions by producing heat and lastly, there is the last method that involves a mixture of the two methods.  

One of the best reasons that make electrolysis better for getting rid of beard in women as compared to the laser hair removal method is the fact that electrolysis can work for all skin types and hair colors.

How does electrolysis work?

A fine sterile needle or probe transmits a small current to the follicles of the hair which in return destroys the matrix, dermal papilla, and the bulge which are responsible for hair growth and regeneration.

Possible side effects for the electrolysis beard removal in women.

Once the electrolysis process is completed, one may experience temporary tenderness and redness.

However, compared to electrolysis in the past the recent process is tailored to ensure the client is comfortable as possible. 

Female chin hair or beard causes

Have you been wondering what is causing you to grow a beard or chin hair? Well, we did elaborate on research and wrote this article to answer that question and hopefully, we will be of help.

Some women grow chin hair as early as in their 20s, and this happens due to the following reasons.

First and foremost it is highly advisable to see a doctor if you realize that your facial hair has increased over a short period of time. Excessive growth of women’s facial hair that is coarse could be a symptom of a medical condition that needs medical attention. When men and women are undergoing puberty their bodies usually produce androgen.

You see both men and women possess follicles known as the value that produces hair that is tiny, very fine, and light-colored mostly referred to as peach fuzz. Peach fuzz is actually helpful and aids in regulating the temperature of the body.

As we mentioned earlier, during puberty the bodies of both men and women produce high amounts of androgen hormone. As a result, the vellus follicles enlarge and start to produce terminal hair. Terminal hair is normally darker, coarse, and longer.

Well, let me make some clarification here… As stated above, both men’s and women’s bodies produce androgen hormone what differs is the amount.

Men produce a high amount of these hormones as compared to women and that one reason why men are hairier as compared to women.

Since we are solely discussing what causes female chin hairs or beards we will not be covering more about why men grow a beard, after all, most men want to grow it rather than getting rid of it.

As a woman, hormone levels in the body shifts more often due to reasons such as weight gain, menopause, aging, and pregnancy. Some medications can also cause hormonal imbalance.

When there is an imbalance of male and female hormones such as an increase in the levels of androgen hormone, terminal hairs can develop in places they weren’t before such as your chin.

There are instances when the hair on the chin could be a health concern.

When you experience an increase in your chin or facial hair, or generally when you notice a sudden increase in the volume of hair on your face it could be due to hypertrichosis condition. hirsutism is a form of hypertrichosis that only affects women.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)        

One of the causes closely associated with hirsutism is PCOS. There are several symptoms that affect ovaries such as:

  • Ovaries developing tiny cysts
  • Increased level of androgen hormone in the body
  • Missed or irregular periods

Apart from unwanted hair, women suffering from PCOS also go through the following experiences.

  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Heavy periods
  • Skin tags
  • Headaches
  • Dark patches in skin creases

Cushing syndrome

Cushing syndrome is a result of exposure of the body to higher levels of the cortisol hormone over a long period.

There are two ways through which the levels of cortisol hormone can increase in the body namely, taking corticosteroids over a prolonged period and when your body makes a lot of cortisol hormone.

Women suffering from Cushing syndrome usually experience irregular periods and develop excess facial hair.

Other symptoms of the condition include a rounded face, fatty hump between the shoulders, and purple stretch marks.

Non-classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH)

NCAH is normally a type of genetic condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) in a milder form.

Nonetheless, this condition is quite rare and rarely causes symptoms. Its symptoms, however, are closely related to those of excess androgen when they occur.

  • Infertility
  • Excess facial hair
  • Irregular periods
  • Frontal baldness

Androgen secreting tumor

In women’s hirsutism, androgen-secreting tumors of the adrenal gland or ovaries are quite rare. When the excess facial hair is a result of these tumors it doesn’t stop even after treatment.

Excess facial hair growth can be accompanied by signs and symptoms like

  • Voice deepening
  • High sex drive
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Pelvic or abdominal mass
  • Enlarged clitoris
  • Increased levels of testosterone
  • Male pattern baldness

It therefore highly advisable for a woman to seek medical help whenever they notice a sudden increase in facial hair so that they can be screened for these medical conditions.


Hi, I'm Ben! When I embarked on my beard-growing journey, I had lots of questions. Now having successfully grown a beard, I launched this blog to share the answers I discovered through extensive research. Alongside beard tips, I also offer insights on maintaining and growing dreadlocks, as well as general advice on looking your best. I'm all about helping others look and feel great!

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